Thought it would be easier to just post the kids results for their swim meet on Wednesday. They both did a great job and Curt and I are so proud of them. Jordan got 1st in the 25m freestyle and the 50m freestyle, 2nd in both his relays, and third in 25m butterfly. Zach got 2nd in 25m freestyle, 25m breaststroke, and both his relays, and 6th in backstroke. There were a lot of kids competing and they had at least 2 to 3 heats per race. Great job boys. They are home next week for their swim meet, so anyone that is close enough and wants to come, they start swimming at 5:30 and Jordan is usually the 4th race. I would have posted pictures, but I video recorded instead since Curt couldn't be there, that way he got to watch them too.