Sunday, April 26, 2009

Back to Easter Weekend

Hi all. I know I have kind of been skipping around with my posts and all and not going in order of when the events happen, but hey, I try. So, with that said, I am going to go back a couple of weekends and post some more Easter pictures. I will have another batch to post later this week, and that will be all for the Easter pictures and then I will move on to Soccer. This first batch of pictures are all from Easter morning after the kids got into their Easter baskets. I am hoping they thought the Easter Bunny was good to them, at least I got that impression from them.

Besides all the candy that they received, Gavin's favorite present was some more cars from the Cars movie. That kid is a nut for those cars, and the "Easter Bunny" has gotten pretty obsessed with wanting to get all of them for him. It is the thrill of the hunt he tells me. :) Riley's favorite thing was her Hannah Montana dress. She actually told me that she wanted the Easter Bunny to bring her a Hannah Montana dress up outfit and so he delivered. What an awesome Easter Bunny, he is a terrific mind reader. As for the older two, they just flat out tell ME what they want from ME, not the Easter Bunny. They are just lucky the Easter Bunny was nice enough to bring them something considering they were nonbelievers. Shame. To think I had something to do with their baskets. Anyway, they were very happy to get their Star Wars Legos. I was thinking they had them all, but then again, that Easter Bunny knows his stuff and didn't disappoint. Sometimes I wish I could be the Easter Bunny just to know I could bring such joy to my kids. Oh well, at least he makes my life easier by not having to shop. Awesome!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Videos from Regional Swimming

100 Individual Medley (you can see 5 lanes on the screen, he is in middle one)

50 Butterfly (lane 7)

100 Freestyle (lane 3)

Here are the videos of Jordan's regional swim meet. I don't know why we didn't video his 50 freestyle, but the rest of them are here. It is still fun for me to watch these videos. He did such a great job.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, Everyone!! I just wanted to stop in real quick and tell you all that. We have gotten the Easter baskets all done and devoured through and we have also done our Easter egg hunt. There is no stopping these kids when it comes to fun, patience isn't their strong point. But, it is a lot of fun watching them hunt for the eggs. I will have more pictures to post for you of their egg hunt, I just didn't feel like going through the tons of pictures we took just yet. These pictures are just a glimpse of the hunt. And the first picture you viewed, Jordan, Zach, and Riley made that on Friday and I love it. I'm just glad I got it on camera to keep the memory forever. Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Minnesota Weekend

Sorry it has taken me so long to post again. I loose interest sometimes when I think of having to wait for my pictures to upload and the whole writing bit. Sometimes I love to do it, sometimes not so much. And those times I don't so much want to do it, I do it anyway so I can keep my blog updated and keep in touch with all of you.
All of these pictures are from our weekend in Minneapolis. The pool of course was a big hit. Riley and Gavin couldn't get enough of it. It will be one busy summer if they are that excited about swimming. I guarantee you they will want to go to the pool everyday, and towards mid summer, I will be hoping for rain or something to be able to stay home. :) Jordan and Zach liked it as well. I think it was nice for them to be able to swim without someone telling them what to swim. Free and on their own. You would almost think they would be tired and bored of swimming by now, but thankfully they aren't. I'm happy they always want to swim and I hope it stays that way. It is fun and great exercise for them.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures. I will try to post three of Jordan's videos of swimming, but again, impatient person here and those take forever and a day to upload. Here's hoping it doesn't take me a million days to post it.