And all these kids he plays against, how easy is it to block some one's shot or just stand on your own two feet to shoot a layup without anyone being able to match up. Needless to say, we have been beat every game, but they still keep trucking and I love their desire to improve and better themselves as a team and individually. And Jordan, I hope you know I am very proud of you and your desire to always do your best and keep fighting. You have such a great competitive spirit and I hope you never lose that. When times may look tough (or tall) just keep on going strong and always know I will be your loudest cheering section.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Poor Jordan
Being the tallest player and the post on the Wildcat's team, Jordan tends to get put up against the tallest kids from the other team. Supposedly they are all 7th graders, but sometimes I wonder. How do you get this tall and only be 12 or 13. I guess, Jordan is close to being the youngest in his class, but never would have guessed that he would still be dwarfed by some of these kids. I just have to chuckle at these pictures because he looks so stinkin short. Time to be aggressive Jordan, because your height is not going to help you much this year. :o)

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Happy Birthday, Gavin!!!
How did this happen, how did my baby turn 4 already? Can it be true that I have already shared four wonderful, happy, silly, cranky, rambunctious, fun years with this cute little boy. It can be true and it is. I continually press the pause button on my remote but it won't keep this little boy from growing up, although it does honk Gavin off when I do this because it disrupts his Transformers movie. Sorry, Dude!!!
Can you guess how old he is with his frosting fingers, this was a big hit by Daddy and he had to do it to all the kids.
A priceless expression when he found out that he got the one gift he really wanted.
His Devastator Transformer. Please grant Curt the patience to assemble this baby!!
My generic cake. I consider myself a crafty person, but never a cake decorator. My thoughts is that it gets eaten up to quick anyway for anyone to notice my amateur skills. Hurry up and eat the cake people before everyone finds out I can't decorate a cake.
One last parting conversation -
Me: "Gavin, you are four years old now, you are growing into a big boy."
Gavin: Looking at me with concern, "But can I still sit on your lap."
Me: "Of course you can buddy, anytime you want."
Gavin: Runs at me with a huge smile and a big hug. "Thank you, Mommy"
Me: My heart is now officially melting.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Hi everyone. I am finally back to blogging. I just got my computer back to normal and am loving it. So, here are some old pictures from the end of the summer to help warm you on this cold December day.
Riley and Gavin annoying their brothers by throwing rocks in the pond, and scaring the fish.
Love this picture. I wish I had a my better camera with me to capture the true feeling of this picture. Such a nice quiet moment.
Ahh, success. And poor Jordan looking on wishing he had caught it. But it is half his anyway because I think he baited most of Zach's lines that day.
I love this picture too because it shows the great patience Jordan is having fishing. That is unusual for him but for this night, he was being as patient as he could get. I just wish he could have caught a fish for a reward.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope to have more updated pictures for you soon.
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