Sunday, April 1, 2007

Typical Week

Hello all! It has been an unadventurous week for us here at the Batta house. I will say though that allergy season has caught up to us. Since last weekend was so nice and all the trees and bushes are budding it has brought on the runny noses, itchy eyes, and scratchy throats. Gavin especially!! That poor kid had a tough couple of nights sleeping from being all stuffed up. Zach is another one that usually gets hit hard with the allergies, but his his more in the late summer and fall.

Soccer season has begun for Jordan. He had his first practice last Thursday. Zach's first practice will be on Monday. Curt is coaching Jordan's team again this year and he is helping out with Zach's. He loves to stay busy so that will be good for him. Jordan is at the age now that it is more competitive for the kids and they get into it more. For Zach it is just everyone wanting a chance to kick the ball. Hopefully it will be a fun year for them!

I guess I forgot that the boys got their report cards this week and they are doing an incredible job. We are very proud of them. It is nice when you have kids that enjoy school and try their best at it, it makes it a lot easier for the parent.

Hope you all have a good week!

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