Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Concerts

It has been two weeks since Zach's concert the one week since Jordan's and I'm not sure why I haven't posted any pictures of their concerts yet. Zach's concert was fun, but I wish they would do more Christmas songs that we all know and love. That is the same for Jordan's too. Oh well, I'm not the teacher and I'm sure it would be hard doing all Christmas songs year in and year out. Zach's was cool though because they did sign language with all the songs and he did really good with that. He was soooo into the singing and had a fun time at his concert. Jordan had a solo this year and did great. Not to be biased, but I think he did the best of everyone. :) His class did such a good job on their songs compared to the rest of the Jr. High. Maybe they are not just as embarrassed yet with singing in front of everyone. I just hope Jordan continues with singing because he has a really good voice, very proud, a boy after my own heart.

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