Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Tubes Are In

I know this layout I did has nothing to do with Gavin's tubes, but I wanted to include some kind of picture or something of him. So I decided to include I layout I did. I just love that cheesy smile of his.

Anyway, Gavin got his tubes for his ears today. Dr. Wellendorf did both ears (even though only his right one was the problem) because he said that if one fills up with fluid, it is just as likely for the other one to do it as well so why not get them both done. And as I have mentioned before he had his miniscule surgery (as in less than 5 minutes) done in Lake City. They were all very nice there and had a blast with Gavin as we waited for the surgery. I just couldn't believe that he was done so soon. He didn't have any problems and the anesthesia wore off about 5-10 after the surgery was done. But, once he woke up it was awful. He was restless, cried often and complained of his mouth hurting (not sure about that one). He did not stop crying until we left the hospital and he got in the van for the ride home. Then once we got home, he was 100% different and was happy, cheerful and his old self. He hasn't even complained of any pain or anything. So, all in all, it went great. I just won't know until the end of May if his hearing is better (that is when he will go back to the AEA and have his hearing tested again). Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

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