Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Zach's Spring Concert

Zach is in the yellow and dark blue striped shirt.

Hi all. Here are some pictures from Zach's spring concert that he had at the beginning of the month. It was a really good concert full of fun and smiles. I just love to watch the littlest ones sing. Sometimes you just don't know what they are going to do to make you smile. Our music teacher always picks the funnest songs that the kids just love to sing. And she always picks songs that they have to learn the sign language to. This year Zach got to play the harpsicord (sp.), one of six from his class, and he got to do a folk dance, they also got to sing two other songs besides this.

This concert was also the last elementary concert for our music teacher, she is retiring. Actually both her and her husband are retiring. Her husband teaches math at the middle school, he was Jordan's teacher this year. They are both going to be greatly missed because there are loving, kind, and caring teachers. And we all wish them well because they found out recently that his cancer came back. It isn't going too well for him now, but we all pray that he will recover and have a happy retirement.

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