Monday, June 15, 2009

Riley's Dance Recital

Hi again. Sorry this is so late getting to you. I know it has been a month since Riley's recital, but at least you still get to see the pictures, right? She was such a cutie for this recital. And I think she did pretty good for her first one. And if you notice in the pictures, she is one of the only ones sometimes that is following what the teacher is doing. She seemed to know her stuff pretty well and was smiling like a pro the whole time. It was so cute at the beginning of the show when the teacher brought them out to introduce them. Riley kept looking at me and when they were supposed to be walking off, she gives me the rock on sign and just stands there forever while all the other little girls have walked off stage. Riley is just there alone, smiling huge, and not bashful at all doing her rock on. Of course I did the rock on sign back and she loved it. And then she finally left the stage. I wish you all could see it because it was a lot cuter in person.

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