Monday, June 28, 2010

Officially Have a Teenager

WOW. I can't believe my boy is a teenager today. I really don't like the thought of my kids growing up, but I will say that Jordan has done a great job of it. He has matured so much in the last year that he is almost a different kid to us. It is amazing how helpful he has become and he is such a wonderful big brother. If you want to get to know Jordan a little better here are a few tidbits about him:
- very loving (he is our hugger)
- very kind
- generous
- talkative
- loves to laugh
- loves movies
- loves to swim
- loves to fish
- loves to learn new things
- isn't afraid of trying new things
- helpful
- new love of weightlifting
- loves to play all sports
- LOVES family
- loves the outdoors
- just loves life and all that comes with it

Vacation to Lake Superior (June 2010)
Track (May 2010)

Easter (April 2010)
Favorite sport, swimming (February 2010)
Plenty of snow for him this last year (December 2009)
One of my favorite pictures (October 2009)
Last summer vacation at Maine (July 2009)
Love you so much Jordan and we are blessed everyday to have you in our lives. Happy 13th Birthday!!!!

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