Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Zach's Track and Field Day

Wow, I only had one in the school's track and field day this year. Jordan is in Jr. High Track (will post that next time) and Riley and Gavin are too young. It was nice though only having to concentrate on Zachy and not moving from one kid to the other. And as always, it was a fun day for the kids. Lots of events for them to do and a fun tug of war contest to end the day.

Zach in the 100 yard run.
Relay race.
Trying to do a flip on the mat for the obstacle course.
Softball throw. Pretty impressed.
Long jump.
Waiting for the three legged race. I was worried he was going to drag Taylor. :)
Potato sack race. I think one of his favorites.
Finally the tug of war. Look at all that fierce determination.

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